this shows that higher the voltage the higher the voltage drop across the diode but by only a small amount. I then made a smaller circuit with 1 resistor = 1K and switched between a L.E.D and a 1N4007 rectifier diode shown in this circuit below and datasheet.

Calculated and Measured Amperage
Calculated = 0.0043mA (5V - .7V/1000 = 0.0043mA)
Measured = 0.004mA
this is because the amps calculation in the circuit is a estimate of the amperage and will be close to the real value.
Calculated and Measured Voltage drop across diode
Calculated = .7V (general specifications)
Measured = .654V
this is because .7 is its max voltage drop it has.
Then added a L.E.D instead of the rectifier diode
Calculated Current = 0.0032mA (5v - 1.8v/1000 = 0.0032ma)
Measured Current = 0.0038mA
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